Curate, Collect, Conceptualize and Create...Content

While we strongly support creating original content, we also believe in Content Curation.

Every once in a while, it is interesting to collate and share market information on latest trends, new practices and latest news. Content curation basically is the collection of educative content available online by industry experts and marketing gurus. 

If content is curated on a regular basis, you become a a central source of information on a particular topic 
and prospects will eventually come to you for information on a specific subject. While content may not be originally created by you, just by sharing it is a good practice to pass forward the knowledge you have gained.

For instance on Mitch Joels's blog, 'Six Pixels of Separation', he regularly has one post titled, 'Six Links Worthy Of Your Attention', it is very interesting to come across the concept of sharing links for one another.

Another site we came across as a great one point source of various blogs and websites based on various categories is Alltop. It's very easy to find good information here based on your industry. We are also excited to be listed here in the database section. Do check out the site.

Curate and collect...
Conceptualize and create...
Don't get lost in all the content out there...
Think of it as recycling knowledge...
To a good read!

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