Email Marketing Is Still Alive and Kicking!

Email marketing has been around for ages and it now shares space with social media and digital ads to influence customers. Irrespective of new marketing channels, hard stats published by two authoritative organizations CMO Council and Direct Marketing Association (DMA), reinstate why email marketing is still alive and kicking!

Email marketing
In May 2012, email marketing was rated as “the most successful digital marketing tactic” by marketers worldwide.

In June 2012, for house lists there was a 2.6% improvement in average open rates and 1.1% increase in clickthrough rates (CTR) of U.S. emails as compared to 2010. House lists is defined by DMA as a list of emails from present and past customers from a company’s in-house database. For prospect lists, there was a more than double increase in percentage in click through rates.

What’s the reason behind such a robust channel?

With the introduction of new implementation tactics such as data segmentation and marketing automation, targeted, personalized and relevant communication is possible therefore increasing engagement rates. 

The ‘elephant in the room’ however seems to be the fact that increase in engagement rates need not necessarily translate to higher sales. The slight decline in conversion rates says it all.

The reason behind this is observed to be other channels grabbing conversion share. Customers who converted through email earlier are now finding new ways to connect such as through social media, search or retargeted display ads. 

No matter what new marketing channels emerge, email marketing will be the preferred medium. Not because it is the easiest, because it works.

And don't forget the 'R' word. Make it Relevant. Keep your ROI rocking!

Target your ideal customer profile with personalized marketing campaigns. But first get organized and sales ready with a segmented database. Ask us how!

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