Poor B2B Data Costs the US Economy!

Think data is free? Do you know how much poor B2B data costs the US economy?
A staggering $3.1 trillion a year!                                              Source: A recent report by Artemis Ventures

Data Quality
It may be difficult to foresee changes in the economy, but your data can make predictions for your business! With quality data you can measure relevancy, analyze effectiveness, optimize strategies and maximize revenues and ROIs. 

Quality data is the foundation for making critical business decision. Any data intensive organization will agree with that! However, how many assume that their data is of good quality without measuring it with quantifiable metrics?

There is a famous saying that, “What is not measured is not managed”, and what is not managed is surely not possible to maintain or improve. To begin with you need to know your data quality dimensions and metrics.

Get to know how you can measure data with the Data Quality (DQ) Scorecard

Don’t let Data Quality affect your Bottom Line. 

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