Big Data in Times Square Now?

The limelight is on Big Data today, literally!
No it was not a musical taking a ‘theatrical bow’, it’s just an advertisement.

According to IBM, we create 2.5 quintillion or 2,500,000,000,000,000,000 bytes of data every day; and to think of it 90% of that data was created only in the past 2 years. So why all the buzz about Big Data? 

Big Data
What marketers can gain out of Big Data is minute level of detail about customer interactions and behavior. Taking this information and integrating it with business goals is when it actually provides leverage.

Integrate Big Data into Business Goals
Know Your Business Goals before You Know Data
Know What Big Data Means to You
Translate Big Data into Business Intelligence
Join in on Your Customer's Journey
Create an Integrated, Intelligent and Interactive Environment

CIOs or Chief Information Officers now have to transform themselves into new avatars of Chief ‘Innovation' Officers in order to translate Big Data into business intelligence. However, CIOs need not necessarily scramble to get a setup integrated with their Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). The process here is to collect data first and then think about how it can be used. Although a data scheme needs to be set before capturing data. The best way is to create a big data repository, run an analysis on it and then explore different relationships possible from it. The basic process of Big Data management is to first capture data, store it, secure it and then analyze it.

With efficient planning and management, Big Data can be leveraged to a great extent in achieving business goals effectively. 

For us, Big Data is all about creating a customer centric approach to achieve business goals. 
Get a ticket on the Big Data train and know how you can Integrate Big Data With Your Business Goals. 
Don't let Big Data defeat you or your database!

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